
2024 NHSDLC Spring Online Tournament VII


· Results

Thank you everyone for participating in the 2024 NHSDLC Spring Online Tournament VII. 

Congratulations to all teams for competing in, and completing this tournament in a second language about political lobbying. Political lobbies operate around the world and influence laws that effect everyone. Learning more about their benefits and harms improves your understanding of political lobbies. Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament !

We hope that all students have noticed improvements in their debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication to debate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next!


If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our 2024 Summer Debate Camps 



Open Division


Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists- 祝贺所有8强的团队

504505 - Yeuk Tung Liu - Western Academy Of Beijing & Luzia Lu - Western Academy Of Beijing

506507 - 茅轶伦 - 上海青浦平和双语学校 & 徐家祺 - Uwc Dover

526527 - Wude Sun - Dulwich College Beijing & 陈梓航 - 中国人民大学附属中学朝阳学校

530531 - Shiyn Yi Woo - Saspd 上海美国学校 & Sophia Su - Saspd 上海美国学校


Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队

510511 - Gavin Yicheng Zhao - 清华附中国际部 & Liqi Miao - 清华附中国际部

528529 - Ying Leong Tan - Nacis & 高若兮Rosy - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校东校


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

518519 - 单羽浩 - Bwya & 任若恺 - 北京世青国际学校


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

522523 - Tony - 启明星学校 & Gene Shi - International School Of Beijing


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

527 - 陈梓航 - 中国人民大学附属中学朝阳学校

506 - 茅轶伦 - 上海青浦平和双语学校

507 - 徐家祺 - Uwc Dover

523 - Gene Shi - International School Of Beijing

511 - Liqi Miao - 清华附中国际部

519 - 任若恺 - 北京世青国际学校

505 - Luzia Lu - Western Academy Of Beijing

526 - Wude Sun - Dulwich College Beijing

528 - Ying Leong Tan - Nacis

531 - Sophia Su - Saspd 上海美国学校



Middle School Division


Congratulations to the Partial Quarterfinalists- 祝贺所有部分8强的团队 

116117 - 孙嘉沐 - 上海平和学校 & 谢其乐 - 上海光华中学

118119 - Li Yihong - 上外附中 & 胡秋逸 - Nacis


Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队

100101 - 徐行知 - Uwcsea & 李承轩 - Dulwich College Beijing

110111 - Angelina - Sendelta International Academy & Lucienne - Shenzhen College Of International Education


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

108109 - 齐芳源 - 上海星河湾双语学校 & 潘博悦 - Astra Nova School


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

122123 - 程雪桐 - 北京市鼎石学校 & 姜沐心 - 北京市鼎石学校


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

122 - 程雪桐 - 北京市鼎石学校

110 - Angelina - Sendelta International Academy

100 - 徐行知 - Uwcsea

111 - Lucienne - Shenzhen College Of International Education

123 - 姜沐心 - 北京市鼎石学校




Middle School Novice Division 


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

308309 - 王卓尔 - 上海世外小学 & 赵悦伊 - 广州贝赛思外籍人员子女学校


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

300301 - Frances - Shen Wai International School & Sophia Jiang - 深圳外国语学校国际部


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

302 - Sunny Liu - 北京德威国际学校

301 - Sophia Jiang - 深圳外国语学校国际部

300 - Frances - Shen Wai International School