
2023 National Invitational Tournamen Varsity Division


· Results

Thank you everyone for participating in the 2023 Summer National Invitational Tournament | Varsity Division.

Congratulations to all teams for competing in, and completing this tournament in a second language about a very intriguing topic: Foreign humanitarian aid should be given without conditions. This is a topic that relates to many struggling countries and people around as what are the best ways to support them in a humanitarian way. Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament!

We hope that all students have noticed improvements in their debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication to debate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next!


If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our Summer 2023 Debate Camps 



NHSDLC 2023 National Invitational Tournament


Varsity Division

Congratulations to the Partial Octofinalists- 祝贺所有部分16强的团队

306307 李松晓 - Stanford online high school & 麦湘盈 - 深圳贝赛思国际学校

322323 Annie - 成都美视国际学校 & 牟家熠 - 成都金苹果锦城第一中学

324325 刘思妤 - 上海市民办平和学校 & 张芷汀 - 上海金山杭州湾双语学校

352353 朱致旭 - 成都第七中学(林荫校区) & CHENGYU DUAN - 上海中学国际部


Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists- 祝贺所有8强的团队

300301 乔诗媛 - 上海星河湾双语学校 & 褚诗语 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语中学

340341 詹子恒 - 杭州钱江贝赛思国际学校 & 钟一宸 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校

356357 张嘉启 - 上海外国语大学附属浦东外国语学校 & 杜佳一 - Deerfield Academy

360361 Suyeon Yang - Saigon South International School & Shannon Nguyen - Saigon South International School


Congratulations to the Semifinalists- 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队

314315 史雨瑄 - 海嘉学校 & YuChen Jiang - Dulwich College Beijing

342343 余承霖 - 上海协和双语高级中学 & 周皓博 - 上海民办平和学校


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队

346347 Chingwei Zhou - SHSID & fuqin lian - Shanghai foreign language school


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队

302303 高茉茉 - 北京顺义国际学校 & 戴安桐 - 上海实验学校国际部



Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

342 余承霖 - 上海协和双语高级中学

340 詹子恒 - 杭州钱江贝赛思国际学校

343 周皓博 - 上海民办平和学校

346 Chingwei Zhou - SHSID

306 李松晓 - Stanford online high school

302 高茉茉 - 北京顺义国际学校

303 戴安桐 - 上海实验学校国际部

347 fuqin lian - Shanghai foreign language school

307 麦湘盈 - 深圳贝赛思国际学校

341 钟一宸 - 上海外国语大学附属外国语学校