
2022 Spring Hangzhou Tournament


· Results

Thank you everyone for participating in the NHSDLC 2022 Spring Hangzhou Tournament .

Congratulations to all teams for competing in, and completing this tournament in a second language about different aspects of patents, their economic and social implications across different countries.Regardless of how many debates you won, you should be proud of yourself for improving your communication, critical thinking, and research skills by participating. Hopefully, you had an educational tournament !

We hope that all students have noticed improvements intheir debate skills and continue to benefit from participation. Dedication todebate is sure to pay off in the future and we are excited to see where you go next! 


If you've enjoyed debating this season and want to continue to challenge yourself, consider attending our Summer 2022 Debate Camps 


Open Division


Congratulations to the Semifinalists - 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队 


521522 董知函 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 & 项兰淑 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 

529530 倪可 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 & 徐浩宇 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队 


535536 金冬明洋 - WLSA上海学校 & 张宸 - 上海平和双语学校 


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队 


537538 何璨舟 - 杭州娃哈哈双语学校 & 王澍媛 - GHCIS 光华剑桥 


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手  

536 - 张宸 - 上海平和双语学校 

521 - 董知函 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 

530 - 徐浩宇 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 

538 - 王澍媛 - GHCIS 光华剑桥 

529 - 倪可 - 杭州外国语学校剑桥高中 



Middle School Division


Congratulations to the Quarterfinalists - 祝贺所有进入8强的团队 


119120 梁可 - 杭州娃哈哈双语学校 & 步瑞茜 - 杭州钱江贝塞思国际学校 

137138 洪睿璟 - 杭州钱江贝赛思国际学校 & 叶子皓 - 杭州钱江贝赛思国际学校 

146147 施好 - 杭州绿城育华中学 & 谢艾思 - 杭州英特外国语学校 

163164 楼嵇畅 - 杭州钱学森学校 & 李冠博 - 杭州英特外国语学校 


Congratulations to the Semifinalists - 祝贺所有进入半决赛的团队 


107108 祝怀泽 - WLSA新竹园 & 张菡显 - WLSA新竹园 

133134 肖楚渝 - 杭州蕙兰未来科技城学校 & 陈彦舟 - 耀华国际教育学校桐乡校区 


Congratulations to the Runners-Up - 祝贺亚军团队 


102103 周知凡 - 宁波赫威斯肯特学校 & 葛玲佑 - 宁波赫威斯肯特国际学校 


A huge congratulations to the Champions - 祝贺冠军团队 


127128 曾子宜 - 杭州市第十三中学教育集团(总校) & 严祎睿 - 惠兴中学 


Congratulations to the Top Speakers - 祝贺获得最佳辩手奖的选手

127 - 曾子宜 - 杭州市第十三中学教育集团(总校) 

103 - 葛玲佑 - 宁波赫威斯肯特国际学校 

128 - 严祎睿 - 惠兴中学 

120 - 步瑞茜 - 杭州钱江贝塞思国际学校 

146 - 施好 - 杭州绿城育华中学 

102 - 周知凡 - 宁波赫威斯肯特学校 

107 - 祝怀泽 - WLSA新竹园 

119 - 梁可 - 杭州娃哈哈双语学校 

147 - 谢艾思 - 杭州英特外国语学校 

108 - 张菡显 - WLSA新竹园